
Sunday Worship

We welcome all to join us on Sundays as we meet to encourage one another in our faith, listen to what God has to say to us from the Bible, and worship him together.

Three types of service are offered, to meet the varying needs of the Benefice: Prayer Book, Common Worship and Modern Informal. The current pattern is as follows: 

Every Sunday at 9am a service of either Holy Communion or Morning Prayer, according to the Book of Common Prayer, always including hymns and a sermon;

Every Sunday at 10.30am a Morning Service, including Holy Communion on alternate weeks, following the 2000 version of Common Worship, always including hymns and a sermon;

Fortnightly (except in school holidays) an informal service known as GAP (“God and People”) which has a children's group (4-10s). For adults, the service includes prayers, a Bible talk, and worship songs with live music. Sometimes a short Communion is included. Food and refreshments are served afterwards. 

The morning services rotate around the 7 villages. The GAP service usually takes place in Long Compton church as it is the largest church and has break-out rooms for children’s groups, as well as a kitchen, WC, electronic music and projector. 

28 July - 9th Sunday after Trinity
St. Michael - Whichford
9.00 am - Morning Prayer BCP (Anthony Wells/Clare Wells)
St. Peter & St. Paul - Long Compton
10.30 am - Holy Communion CW (Anthony Wells/Clare Wells)
4 August - 10th Sunday after Trinity
St. Martin - Barcheston
9.00 am - Morning Prayer BCP (Richard Stevens/Liz Maycock)
St. Michael & All Angels - Wolford
10.30 am - Morning Prayer CW (Richard Stevens/Liz Maycock)
11 August - 11th Sunday after Trinity
St. Barnabas & St. Nicholas - Burmington
9.00 am - Holy Communion BCP (Ben Dyson)
St. Michael - Whichford
10.30 am - Holy Communion CW (Ben Dyson)
St. Peter & St. Paul - Long Compton
6.00 pm - Evensong BCP (Ben Dyson)
18 August - 12th Sunday after Trinity
St. Lawrence - Barton
9.00 am - Holy Communion BCP (Ben Dyson)
St. John the Baptist - Cherington
10.30 am - Holy Communion CW (Ben Dyson)
25 August - 13th Sunday after Trinity
St. John the Baptist - Cherington
9.00 am - Morning Prayer BCP (Anthony Wells/Clare Wells)
St. Peter & St. Paul - Long Compton
10.30 am - Holy Communion CW (Anthony Wells/Clare Wells)
1 September - 14th Sunday after Trinity
St. Peter & St. Paul - Long Compton
9.00 am - Holy Communion BCP (Ben Dyson)
St. Michael & All Angels - Wolford
10.30 am - Holy Communion CW (Ben Dyson)