Events & Groups

Hope Explored

One life - what's it all about? If you've ever thought about that question, then Hope Explored is for you. Run as a course over three evenings or afternoons, Hope Explored looks at one of the earliest biography of Jesus (the Gospel of Luke) to find out who he is, what he came to do, and what it means to follow him.

Each session involves watching some DVDs, and asking any questions you may have. You won't be asked to pray, sing, or read the Bible aloud, and no previous knowledge of the Christian faith is required. For more information about the course and answers to common questions about God, please click on this link

For information about when the next course is running please see our notice board on the home page. If you're interested in doing the course at home, please contact Ben: 

Prayer Meetings & Bible Study Groups

 In the Lord's Prayer, Jesus taught us to depend on God in prayer as our loving Heavenly Father who cares for us deeply. Because of this, we meet to pray for our villages and our churches on a regular basis. 

We usually have a range of small groups which meet in people’s homes during the week to learn from the Bible, pray together, and encourage each other in their Christian faith.

Men's and Women's Breakfasts

In the spring and autumn of each year we normally hold breakfast events with guest speakers - one for men, and another for women. These events are ideal for those wishing to investigate the Christian faith further, and hear how it makes a difference to our lives. Previous topics have included suffering and a God of love, life on the inside of Brixton prison, and what motivates top level sports people. 

BETA Group

A group of around 14 men meet regularly for bacon butties at 8.00 am on Friday mornings. The venue is The Old Forge, Stourton House, Stourton. The group is led by Anthony Wells and Roger Maycock. The aim is to enhance our journey of faith and we usually follow a study guide based on a book of the Bible.

Teaching and Training

For those already involved in church life in the Benefice, we have regular Teaching and Training events. These usually take place on a Saturday morning in Long Compton parish church. We sometimes also combine with other churches in the North Cotswolds for a teaching and training day. Previous topics have included: Youth and Children's Ministry, Praying with Confidence, Sharing our Faith, and Getting the most out of reading the Bible.

Community Coffee

Join us for Community Coffee at St Peter and St Paul's Church, Long Compton on the first Wednesday of every month from 10:30am to 12pm.

All very welcome; young, old, families, dog walkers and newcomers to the village.

Community Events

Each year the churches across our Benefice are involved in a range of community events. These include village fetes, flower festivals, concerts, and regular lunches.